High school is one of the most nostalgic experiences anyone could ever have. Some of us look back on our high school years feeling bittersweet with all of our fond memories to remember, while others are looking forward to their high school experience and what will happen next. Without a doubt, if anyone were to ask any adult, like Greenway Staff, about their high school experience, they would have a story to tell.
Here at Greenway High School, the teachers have given us insight on their High School experience. Introducing English teacher and Theatre advisor Mr. Losenicky who explains his high school behavior and his favorite classes back in high school in the 80’s!
“My favorite class in high school back in Vinton, IA was Journalism. We published our school newspaper. I wrote, but my love at the time was photography. Yes, I had a forever pass to travel the Cedar Valley Times and possibly stop for lunch as a perk. Mrs. Wright was the teacher in class. I’m pretty sure she saw right through me but played dumb. By high school, I was a pretty good student academically; I realized I enjoyed learning. We didn’t have AP at that school farming community school in the 80’s, but I took the most academically challenging one they offered. However, I was called to the principal’s office quite a few times. I couldn’t sit still, so I became ‘disruptive to the educational environment’ occasionally.” Mr. Losenicky said.
Now presenting the girls P.E and Badminton Coach Ms. McDonald who gives us insight on her hobbies and friends back in high school.
“My ‘hobby’ waaaaay back in the days when I was in high school was sports. I excelled in volleyball and basketball. Being on these sports teams took up all my time after school because of practices and games. This is also where I met most of my friends: they were also my teammates for these sports. One of my other hobbies that my best friend and I used to do was watch WWE wrestling. We would spend the weekend together staying up really late to watch it at one of our homes. Sometimes we would even go to the local Wrestling matches too,” Ms. McDonald said.
Moving on, Science teacher Mr. Anderson tells all about his most fondest memory about his high school experience.
“In any event, probably the best memory that I have was of our basketball team winning the state championship. I really didn’t have too much to do with it, I was fortunate to be surrounded by a collection of really talented athletes. They would have won the championship without my help. Several of the players on our team went on to play D1 ball in college; they were really that good. I don’t really reminisce too much about high school, it was so long ago; however, I do wonder about some of the friends that I had. If I had to pick a favorite year in high school, it was probably my senior year. I turned 16 and I was finally able to drive; therefore, I didn’t have to rely on my family or friends to chauffeur me around,” Mr. Anderson said.
Going off to our teacher helper Ms. Turton! She will be telling us about her favorite and least favorite years of high school!
“I would say my favorite year of high school was my freshman year. I say this because that year was when I was most active in sports, clubs, and did things with friends. This was also the year I met new friends and my best friend of going on 12 years. As for my least favorite year, I would say my Junior year. This was due to having to be more serious with my time and being intentional with every academic decision. That was the year I started to look at colleges and decide on what I wanted to do with my future, so I didn’t keep up with my friends as much as I would have liked,” Ms. Turton said.
Overall, high school is a time for growth, change, fun, and memories. One day, we’ll all be reminiscing on these days, just like these teachers are.