Playoff Hopes Gone But Baseball Fights On

Ben Porter




Demon Baseball is off to a rocky start, as the Demons are yet to win a game; however, the team is improving and have been in many close contests. Despite their record, the chemistry and the way everyone respects each other really makes it a place to be.









“Some of our strengths are that we build our chemistry every day and no one hates anyone. Something that sets us apart from every other teams is that we pick each other up especially when a strikeout or a mistake is made. And whenever that happens we try our best to pick everyone up and have everyone hold our heads high,” Junior Joseph Rueda said.












“As the season started I was very happy because last year I broke my wrist and I waited patiently for the season to start up again. I spent countless hours grinding and preparing for the season. In my second game this season I got hit in the head when a pop fly occurred and I currently have a concussion,” Junior Samuel Dimas said.




Even though this team is off to a rocky start, Demon Baseball is not something that should be messed with. The Demons battled both Moon Valley and Thunderbird twice but came up short.








Greenway finishes with two game series against St. Mary’s and Shadow Mountain, and single games against Apollo, Mesquite and Tempe.







Senior Night will be on April 25 at 7pm against Shadow Mountain.