Loud and Proud Student Sections

November 4, 2021
Greenway High school is best know for their academics as well as their sports! Every year, each sport gains new players and the student section grows tremendously. Our first year back from this life changing pandemic and the support from our school is right there with it! The student sections in particular are proven to always bring up the energy of the games. Our phenomenal athletic director Mr. Feldman, in charge of the support and student section, never fails to keep it running nice and smooth. Asked how he thinks the players are affected, he states, “I believe the players are affected in a positive way by the Student Section. It’s a great feeling having your friends there to watch you and to cheer for you. It gets the adrenaline going and makes you want to do better! The Student Section gives the students a chance to be part of the action and enjoy the game on another level. We do expect the Student Section to do this in a positive and high-spirited manner. There must be sportsmanship shown to everyone with no negativity. Have FUN! Cheer LOUD! Be POSITIVE!” He couldn’t have said this any better.
Due to our athletic director, our student sections are run to the best they can be. Junior Oshana Kio (Varsity football player) states, “The student section hypes me up every time I look at them and they’re doing a chant. It affects the team in a positive was because it gets us more motivated to see student actually come and watch us.” Oshana concluded that the student section should not be run any differently.
It is great seeing the perspective of how an athlete feels when they look over at the crowd cheering them on. When asked how the team’s affected Senior Genna Villegas (Varsity volleyball player) voices, “It uplifts the energy of our individual selves by getting us riled up and energized for the game and when you hear our home section chanting for us, it gets you hyped to play.” This proves that the student section will always have a positive effect on the teams playing!
Senior Terrence Danztler stated, “From personal experience, I’ve played in front of the student section before and when you’re getting ready for the game and can just hear the student section cheering and screaming, this just gives the players a certain vibe. It motivates the players to want to win for their school.” It’s crazy how much something that might seem small to some people end up leaving such a huge impact on a team.
Lastly, some input from someone who has been at games and sat right next to the student section, my mom. She says, “From being able to experience the joy and spirit at first hand, is incredible. I can only imagine what it’s like for the teams playing!” Peers who come support you in your games make it feel like you are stepping foot on a professional court or field. It makes that game your game and you have your heart set out to win. In conclusion, all of this goes to show that the job has been done right. The spirit of Greenway High School can not be one upped!