Give Demon Dance a Chance


Briana Colorado










Briana never expected to have dance as a class. She thought about changing it, but she went ahead and tried it. Since the beginning of the school year she was embarrassed and shy. But as the days went by she started to loosen up. I am Brianna.

Greenway’s High School Dance Class gives people an experience they will cherish. It may be tiring sometimes, but when someone is in dance class, they just feel the need to keep going and then they don’t feel like stopping. Dance has given multiple people lots of motivation and confidence.







There are four different types of dance classes: Performance Company, Advanced, Intermediate and Beginning. They all meet a different criteria, for example, in order to move from beginning to intermediate students can talk about it with their counselor and Ms. Berg. Another thing is that what someone learned in beginning dance is something they are going to use in intermediate, but to go from there, there are dance steps that students have to be able to do.

Each year is something different that Ms. Berg comes up with. This year the shows will be on May 10th through the 13th. Beginning dance is going to perform some dances they have been learning  the whole year.  Ms. Berg budgets and raises money all year to be able to provide the things for her dance class.








“I feel that dance is something I enjoy, that class is one of my favorites. Currently in class we are learning hip hop and it’s very enjoyable,” Freshman Yvette Duran said.

She also said that her favorite part about dance is hip hop and hanging out with her best friend. Another thing she likes is she gets to learn how to dance instead of dancing like a fool.

“Dance has helped me be able to be more flexible and stretch my muscles so I don’t have any pain when I do things. It also has helped me count the beats for the different steps,” Duran said.




 “I love to dance, but sometimes it gets hard because you can get upset at yourself for not doing something right and knowing you have to make it perfect gets frustrating sometimes,” Sophomore Tatum Stellwagen said.

Sophomore Tatum Stellwagen also said that her favorite part is learning new dances. “Dance has helped me get to know my body more. It’s like learning new things that your body can do but in a fun way,” Stellwagen said.




“The dance environment helps get me out of my comfort zone, and I feel more comfortable trying new things I haven’t before. Before I was in dance class, I was very closed off to everyone else and would never even think to do dance class but it has opened me up more and made me be able to enjoy doing stuff like dancing,” Freshman Laci Kachanuk said.




“My favorite part of dance was definitely jazz. I love the sass in jazz dancing. I also love the style of music, it helps me get into the dance and put more effort in. The feel of the music helps my anxiety, which then improves my dancing. Jazz just overall is my favorite genre of dance,” Kachanuk said.

She also said that dance has for sure helped her mental health. It has definitely helped her stress and anxiety and it has helped her go from being socially anxious to being comfortable dancing around people even if it’s not good, and more.

Although it may be hard at first, once someone starts trying every day, they can improve. And dance class is something where people can learn something new everyday. It also may be something someone may want to do for their whole high school year. Overall, Ms. Berg’s dance class is something people should try to see if they enjoy it.